Special Education
Our Special Education Staff is committed to providing specialized academic and behavioral support and services to students with exceptional needs in order to fully engage them in high quality learning environments that challenge and prepare them to be well-rounded, active members of a global society.
What is special education?
According to California Education Code Section 56031, Special Education is described as "Specially designed instruction, at no cost to the parent, to meet the unique needs of individuals with exceptional needs, including instruction conducted in the classroom, in the home, in hospitals and institutions, and other settings, and instruction in physical education."
Program Overview
The Vista Unified School District Special Education Department offers a continuum of specialized services to meet the unique and individualized needs of each student. Comprising the largest program of the North County Consortium of Special Education (NCCSE), Vista Unified prides itself on the commitment to locating, identifying and serving over 3000 children with special needs from ages 3-22. We are committed to supporting each student's access to differentiated core instruction in the least restrictive environment, while aligning each IEP (Individualized Education Program) to the Common Core State Standards. Our program spans the spectrum from full integration in the general education environment with accommodations, to separate special education programs addressing more significant needs. The dedicated professionals working to support classroom teachers in achieving these goals include: school psychologists, speech-language therapists, occupational therapists, adaptive physical education specialists, behavior interventionists, visual impairment specialists, resource teachers, and instructional assistants.
It is important to note that special education is a service provided to students with exceptional needs. Special education is not a location or specific classroom. Special education is intended to provide a full range of services in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE): the instructional setting that is most similar to the instructional setting attended by general education students.
The LRE requires that students with disabilities are to be educated to the maximum extent possible with children who are not disabled. The Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.) 34 C.F.R. Section 300.114 to 300.117 provide specific federal requirements related to LRE.
Education Specialist
Mild/Moderate |
... |
Lindsey Baxter |
lindseybaxter@vistausd.org |
David Faatuiese |
davidfaatuiese@vistausd.org |
Charles Port |
charlesport@vistausd.org |
Liberty Mazakas |
libertymazakas@vistausd.org |
Sheri Furtado |
sherifurtado@vistausd.org |
Jeni Harris |
jeniharris@vistausd.org |
Stuart London |
stuartlondon@vistausd.org |
David Spence |
davespence@vistausd.org |
Alex Derosier |
alexanderderosier@vistausd.org |
Jameson Gavin |
jamesongavin@vistausd.org |
Esther Gette |
esthergette@vistausd.org |
Katie Smith |
katiesmith@vistausd.org |
Landon Lloyd |
landonlloyd@vistausd.org |
Shawn Roybal |
shawnroybal@vistausd.org |
Chris Grainger |
chrisgrainger@vistausd.org |
Moderate/ Severe |
Geno Salomone (Department Chair) |
genosalomone@vistausd.org |
Loretta Feldt |
lorettafeldt@vistausd.org |
Eric Pitts |
ericpitts@vistausd.org |
Rosa Mackinnon |
rosamackinnon@vistausd.org |
School Psychologist |
Amalio Custodio |
amaliocustodio@vistausd.org |
Laura Reynoso-Garcia |
laurareynosogarcia@vistausd.org |
Robin Carroll |
robincarroll@vistausd.org |