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Every year, Vista High students are able to create their own student club based on their own interests and passions. In order for a student to create a club, they had to find other students with similar interests and a certificated employee who was willing to act as a club adviser. Then, each club was required to turn in a Constitution form and submit it to ASB mid-September. A club list was compiled, formally approved by ASB, and documented in ASB minutes. If students would like to create a new club, they must find a certificated employee to serve as their advisor, and a club constitution must be sent to the ASB Director, Tammie Wood. A club is only active if the paperwork is complete, and the club has been formally approved by ASB.

Here is this years list of ASB CLUBS 24/25.

If you are interested in starting a club, please contact Mrs. Wood by INTERNAL LINK email, or by stopping by M-15 to get started. 

Mrs. Wood