Earn Community Service Hours, Enhance Your Public Speaking Skills, and Earn Chances to Travel Across the State
VHS Club Advisor:
Student Club President:
Student Club Vice President
Club Affiliates: Vista Community Clinic
Facilitators: Carina Esquivel and Rhiannon Riecke, VCC
STAY Club is a tobacco prevention and advocacy club. Advocates, 14-18 years old, meet bi-weekly to learn about tobacco use, trends, and ways they can make a difference with their peers and the community. It has flourished into a dedicated group of student leaders with a passion for volunteerism.
In the two short years that our club has been together, our members have received hundreds of community service hours, built partnerships with fellow youth across San Diego, and even earned a certificate of congressional recognition for their work. If you are looking to strengthen your resume or just want to make new friends, follow our club page on Instagram: @StayClubVHS
CA TUPE Youth Leadership Academy.pdf
STAY Club Community Forum Flyer Eng & Spanish FINAL.pdf