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Commuity Liaison

Welcome to the Family & Community Liaison

Bienvenido al Centro para Padres

The Vista High School family and community liaison's purpose is to bridge our school, families, and community through meaningful partnerships and shared goals to have a positive impact on the lives of our students for their personal and academic success and healthy development.

El propósito del Centro para padres es conectar nuestra escuela, familias, y comunidad mediante una asociación con sentido y con objetivos comunes para tener un impacto positivo en la vida de los estudiantes para su éxito personal y académico y para un desarrollo saludable.

Meet your Liaison
Conozca a sus enlace Comunitario

Yuleni Prado-Lopez

My name is Yuleni Prado-Lopez, and I am the Community Liaison here at VHS.  As the Family and Community Liaison, I am here to serve and connect our school, our families, and our community.  My goals for this year include:

  • Ongoing collaboration with staff.

  • Coordinate and/or lead innovative workshops to help empower all our families on topics like Technology (parent portal/online registration) and Health/Wellness.

  • Increase effective two-way communication with our families and community partners.

  • Actively support parent groups such as PTSA and ELAC as well as all parent volunteers.

  • Connect families to resources at VHS as well as in the community.

  • Develop and strengthen our community partnerships.

I will also be assisting and working very closely with VTO to keep providing the food pantry to all our families as well as access to other community resources.

Please, do not hesitate to contact me, if you have any questions, concerns, and/or suggestions.  You can find me at the Front Office. I will be here M-F from 7:30 - 4:00 PM most days or email me at