English Learner Advisory Committee
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Welcome Parents!
ELAC is the English Learner Advisory Committee which includes parents and decision makers at the school. It is an opportunity for families to share their ideas and stay informed about everything related to English language acquisition at Vista High School. ELAC meets throughout the year to complete certain tasks.
During the Meetings We Will:
Review and discuss the school plan with the principal.
Determine what our students and program need for success.
Elect a DELAC representative to attend monthly district meetings. (DELAC is the District English Language Advisory Committee)
Learn the importance of school attendance and strategies for student success.
The ELAC shall be responsible for advising the principal and staff on programs and services for English learners and the School Site Council with the development of the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA).
Benefits of Parent Participation:
Support your student’s education on their pathway to become biliterate.
Get to know your school campus and leadership team.
Understand how the educational system works.
Develop leadership skills.