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Health Office

The Health Office is staffed by a full-time Licenced Vocational Nurse, Holly Gruver, as well as a Registered Nurse, Lisa Kilgore.
For questions or concerns, please email or call 760-726-5611 ext. 71020 to leave a message.

 Lisa Kilgore, RN
ext. 71021
 Holly Gruver, LVN
ext. 71020


Leaving School Due to Illness

Students must report to the Health Office with a pass from their teacher if they become ill and need to leave school. The Health Office will evaluate the student's medical need and release the student with approval from a parent/guardian only. Students much check out through the Health Office in order to have an excused Medical Absence recorded.

Per Ed Code (and for security reasons), the parent/guardian or emergency contact person taking a student off campus is required to present a photo ID.

Note: Students may not call parent/guardian from the classroom or cell phone to be excused. Students calling home on their own will not be excused.


Prescription or over the counter medications cannot be dispensed by Health Office personnel without a doctor's written order and written parent permission. All medications are locked up in the Health Office, and dispensed per the physician's order. 

The only medications that can be carried a school without a parent's and doctor's authorization are contact solution, lip balm, cough drops and sunscreen. Per EdCode Sec 49423, even Tylenol, Advil, etc., are considered to be drugs and will be taken from students.


To find medical forms, please see Information about School Nurses and Healthcare on the Vista Unified School District's website.